MBB Mineral Processing - Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Pfeuti - Bahnhofstraße 13E - D-25469 Halstenbek - Tel. +49- (0)4101-3983955



FMR 4 – Step Processing To Win Fine Metals

mbb Separation | _DOWNTOP | _DOWNNEW

mbb Separation > _DOWNDOWNLOADS > Hydrozyclones > FMR 4 – Step Processing To Win Fine Metals

Situation: As in ore and slag processing there are in several waste mixes , even also in filter dust, metals in different concentrations and grainsizes contained. Very often there are losses in the fines. Stockpiles of tailings are existing and waiting for a new processing technology to win the worthy elements economically. The reason for metal losses in the case of filterdust is a melting of plastic content by heat if there is a dry processing with fine particles . Therefor we make the last step of attrition in wet processing to avoid remelting by temperature influence.



FMR 4 – Step Processing To Win Fine Metals 










Michael Bräumer 







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